Due to medical isssues, I have temporarily suspended my shop. I hope to reopen in the Spring of 2023. Thanks, Lise
This apple blossom pendant is a stunner - from the intricate carving to the fantastic coloration to the gold edging. It's a beautiful blend of palest dusty teal, pale smoky topaz, and sage-tinged cream. I chose to pair it with aqua terra gemstones which also have similar matrix in the stones and colors that compliment the pendant beautifully. The necklace is entirely hand-knotted on flax hued cord, with champagne Czech glass rounds, tiny gold/brass spacers, and pale gold and teal seed beads. The glass beads pick p the gleam of the stone and are just the most luscious color. The pendant measures just under three inches and has a large bead cap. The necklace is nearly 28" and has a gold plated toggle. Natural stones are always one-of-a-kind: you won't find this one anywhere else.