Due to medical isssues, I have temporarily suspended my shop. I hope to reopen in the Spring of 2023. Thanks, Lise
How can I pay?
We use PayPal as our payment processor, so we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Or, you can pay using your PayPal balance.
Is your site secure?
Yes. You pay through PayPal, the world's premier electronic payment solution, not through this site. We never even see your credit card number; PayPal just tells us that you've paid and we ship you your stuff. We get your money through PayPal later.
Do I have to have a PayPal account to buy?
No, you can pay with your credit card without a PayPal account.
Do you do custom work?
Yes, please contact me for details, but know that I do not replicate work. Each piece is unique!
FYI: The metals in my shop are purchased from vendors who only sell nickel- and lead-free products. I am sensitive too, so know that I make that a priority!